
Where is My Merdeka ?

1) I wish today is not 30th August 2015. I wish today is 30th August 1995 or 30th August 2000.

2) Malaysia today is not Malaysia of "yesterday." "Yesterday," my Merdeka spirit was near to infinity for the whole 31st August.

3) Life must goes on. Moving forward is the track to abide. Hoping for the best is a must, waiting for the real leadership to "sail" Malaysia back to it's glory years of 1990s and beginning of Millennium; Malaysia Boleh and Keranamu Malaysia !

4) On this day, late evening of 30th August 2015, I pray to GOD; Protect Malaysia from any bad agendas of any parties either internally or externally.

5) Dear Malaysia, Selamat Hari Merdeka ! Happy Independence Day ! You still have me, I still have you, thanks GOD.

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