
Youngest Son and Mom

1) Puan Asmah Hassan is my Emak. At 63 years old, Emak still "steady," healthy and pretty ! Yeah, she is the pretiest lady from my viewpoint !

2) To have her as my mom is the ultimate gift from GOD.

3) Emak never enter University as a student but she entered MMU as the mother of me.

4) Emak doesnt know how to use Internet, smartphone or driving a car. She just feel that those are not a "must items" to master.

5) However, Emak have a satisfactory level of infos related to JDT Football team, Liga Super, Piala Malaysia, Anugerah Juara Lagu, 1MDB scandals, current political situations and other current affairs. 

Andi Sayang Emak ! My Heaven ! Syurga Saya ...

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